3 Twitter Tips You Need To Know in 2023
Twitter may appear to be a place of opinions, and that there is no set algorithm to how it works. Although, you would definitely be wrong. Twitter, just like any social media platform has its ways of curating the best content for its users to see.
Consider this perspective, social media platforms main goal is to keep the user on the platform as long as possible to consumer media and ads that they are running. Therefore, they pay close attention to the interactions users make in order to feed them content that will keep them using the app longer.
Now when looking at this from a business perspective, when knowing how Twitter works and Twitters goals there is a chance to utilize these facts to your advantage as a business. If as a business, you can create content that keeps the user on the platform for longer than there is a better chance that Twitter will see these engagements and assist in boosting your content to more users.
Obviously, it is easier said than done. So, here are a few tips to consider when creating content for Twitter:
First, if you are looking for organic growth on Twitter then the content has to be a good enough quality for it to receive engagement. Think of it like this…
Twitter is based off of the interactions made with other users. If there is no interaction with your content, then your post has potential to get lost in the saturation of your topic.
Second, make sure your are using strategies that actually target your audience. There are accounts that offer valuable and sharable content, but since it is not seen by it’s target audience then the post does not receive the credit it deserves.
If you want to avoid content saturation then there must be considerate time taken to establish where your target audience resides on Twitter.
Here are three tips to find your target audience on twitter:
Find three accounts in your niche and see which hashtags they interact with.
Utilize a Twitter analytic program to keep up with hashtags that target your niche.
BRAND24 is The Serene Corner recommendation and it is FREE.
Utilize the trending hashtags and relate it to your niche when applicable.
There is a method to organic growth on Twitter due to the high volume of post going on the platform per minute. Contact us for any additional questions specifically on Twitter analytics.
Lastly, invest in a scheduling service for your Twitter. If you are really dedicated to growing on Twitter then there will be a lot of time spent simply posting the content if you do not have an automated scheduling system.
The Serene Corner recommends 3-5 tweets per day minimum when starting out on Twitter as a business. If that is something that you know you can not manually do at a comfortable level, then investing in a social media content scheduler is recommended.
A recommendation of ours would be Sendible. This is a social media content scheduler app with numerous of features that specifically assists with Twitter growth. For example, when creating a tweet with hashtags there will be analytics given to you about each hashtag.
There is a section for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keyword targeting, and in-depth breakdowns of engagements. Sendible runs numerous platform, but definitely a top recommendation for Twitter assistance.
There are plenty of scheduling services out there, so we recommend trying out numerous scheduler to find which has the features that best suits your needs.
Overall, there are numerous variables to the success route of Twitter, just like there is for any social media platform. These are a few that will get your feet in on the ground and the ball rolling on your Twitter journey.
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