How I Gained Over 200K+ Montly Viewers on Pinterest in 90 Days
Pinterest has been a booming platform since its launch in 2010. Mainly for its unique concept and search engine similarity to sites like Google.
What is Pinterest?
If you have not heard of Pinterest then understand that is a large search engine platform dedicated to numerous types of content and items for commercial purchase.
People have been using Pinterest to buy, sell, and market their items for over a decade and there is still immense potential for traffic and profit for even new users of the platform. There are creators making thousands of dollars a month off of the traffic and communities they have built through Pinterest.
Learning about the success stories of creators on the platform encouraged me to do a deep dive into the benefits of traffic and impression growth on my platforms.
I had heard about the potential of traffic on Pinterest but never thought to put action towards it. Until a friend of mine mentioned a new feature called story pins which are known as Idea Pins on the site.
That intrigued me, so I decided to make an account dedicated to the corner and creating a visual depiction of what I thought The Serene Corner was for people to gain more of the brand's identity and purpose.
This new feature allowed me to create more visually appealing content on the platform, thus drawing me into it more.
What are Idea Pins?
Picture Credit: Pinterest
Idea Pins are a feature recently brought to Pinterest that offers a unique approach to the story-like feature we see on many additional platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This feature-packed in with the lifespan of a post on Pinterest ranking higher than most other social media platforms offers the potential for tremendous reach and growth.
Little did I know the true growth potential that Pinterest can bring to your business presence as a whole.
Here is my Pinterest analytics when I began my journey in April of 2021:
Here are my Pinterest analytics as of last night:
As you can see, the growth and numbers I have seen on Pinterest in such a short amount of time have truly kept me on the platform and assisting in bringing traffic to so many of my platforms. For example, as I have begun to build my blog and YouTube channel I have seen immense growth in my overall traffic and audience reach.
From my experience on Pinterest, in the Pinterest business community, and in the Pinterest Academy there is no doubt in the potential for businesses to gain high traffic volume from utilizing Pinterest. Getting onto the platform now while things are still new gives you a better opportunity to grow and develop your brand's identity on Pinterest.
How did I develop traffic on Pinterest?
With the Idea Pins being so new, I took the opportunity to create aesthetic-based content dedicated to creating a visual depiction of my brand with Pinterest’s search engine. I still posted regular pins, but I focused on the new feature strictly out of curiosity and enjoyment for the unique concept on the platform.
From posting just a few pins, I saw a tremendous amount of reach that I had not seen from any other social media platform to date.
Further, into my journey, I discovered the Pinterest Business Community. This community offered me further education on search engine optimization on Pinterest and how to create valuable content that can create high-traffic gains for long timeframes.
I found the Pinterest Academy through the Pinterest Business Community that included numerous courses breaking down key concepts to understand when being a creator on Pinterest.
For anyone looking to begin their Pinterest journey, I highly recommend looking into all of the free resources Pinterest offers to its community members.
The next thing I began to do that developed my traffic growth was consistent trendy content. Once I began to see the results from specific pins, I began curating similar content to further create my aesthetic on Pinterest and posting daily to my page.
Occasionally, I will post more than once per day but after further developing knowledge on the platform I feel no need to oversaturate my platform yet.
Another thing to consider is the lifespan of a post on Pinterest.
In May of 2021, Julie Symonds from The Refinery updated the current social media lifespans for the current year stating Pinterest to have a lifespan of 4 months.
From my current experience on Pinterest, I can attest this to be true!
There are numerous pins of mine that were posted in April that are still currently doing high numbers in impressions, if not, even more than when they were initially posted.
Here are the best times to post on Pinterest referenced by CoSchedule in 2019.
Image Source | CoSchedule
As you can see, there are so many benefits to gaining a presence on Pinterest. I can already see the benefits and the rewards of the Pinterest community and shall continue to seek growth on the platform.
For those interested in hearing more about my journey. I filmed a video on my YouTube channel which I will link here.
If you read this article and have the passion to start your journey on Pinterest, check out my FREE beginner checklist that will assist you on beginning your business account.
I want Pinterest to be an opportunity rather than a burden for the corner community, so please do not get discouraged by the difference platform structure Pinterest offers. There are so many free resources out there to assist you on your Pinterest journey and allow you to become the best creator you can be. All the things that I have done to create the results you guys have seen today, has all been done through the free resources I found through Pinterest.
If you have any questions feel free to comment below.
I’m in your corner.